

Friday, February 26, 2010


So, it is snowing an unbelievable amount of snow once again in the Tri-State area. I don't mind it so much since I don't have to commute to my job! Tons of people, including families, got stuck on highways overnight just north of me. Ding! Light bulb in head lights and memory of Mother telling me to keep my emergency car kit in my trunk even though it took up space and clunked around as I drove fast corners.

This is true though. I would take mine out when ever I could get the chance because it took up space. Now I am rethinking that and wanting to add to it.

So what to have in that valuable car kit that may entertain, feed, warm, and save you or your family if you where stuck on the side of a snow filled highway? I hit the keyboard and came up with a list of must haves that can easily fit in a small flat storage bin in your trunk. For those of you that love Amazon Prime....this list is for you!

Some of these things you might be carrying with you all ready but some of these things would not be thought of. I am going to get my kit back together and in my car. I am also going to get a couple of things for the house as well. As much snow as we have been getting I would rather be ready than hungry and thirsty. Happy Winter!

via FreshBits


Aubrey said...

I just love your new "style of blogging" Especially the thinking chair. Keep it up this is good stuff!

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